Just forget the words and sing along

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Latest Column's Up!

This week, it's a Dead TV Show-palooza:

"I’ve said it many times before. One of my favourite aspects of the DVD phenomena is how those dead TV shows that barely lasted for 6 episodes soon get a super-special edition DVD boxed set preserving the series for the fans that became so dedicated to it. This is starting to become an accepted practice, as many studios see it as a way of recovering losses from a failed TV show. I, too, have fully embraced this practice, and have bought many DVD boxed sets that have the subtitle “the complete series.” So, I’m going to take a minute to rattle them all off and recommend them to you."

Click Here to read it all!

And a big special thanks to this week's special guest publisher for making it look all purty.

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